We would like to express our deepest condolences to the victims of the recent large-scale earthquake centered in the Noto region, and our deepest sympathies to all those affected by the disaster. We pray from the bottom of our hearts for the safety of the people in the affected areas and the earliest possible restoration and recovery.

 Kawamura Group, through Pacific Supply Co., Ltd. has decided to launch various projects to help dealers, medical institutions, educational institutions, etc. in the affected areas. We hope that we can be of some help, even though a little.

Target Group and Area

Dealers, Medical institutions, and Educational institutions in Toyama and Ishikawa prefectures.

* Please note that this is not a project for individuals. Donations will be provided to the Japanese Red Cross Society. 

Project Period

Until March 20, 2024 ~Until June 20, 2024 ( *The period has been extended )


To receive updated information regarding this support project, please keep an eye on our Japanese Website !

1. Support for Medical and Educational Institutions (Communication devices)

We will provide a free rental of "Let's Chat" and "switch set" to those who have damaged or lost their equipment. The number of these items is limited, so the rental                                                                                                                                                                       will be very small, but we hope the clients will make use of it. Please look at the below page links to apply for our PAT rental services.


                               Let's Chat (PAT Rental) [Japanese Only]                                                                       Switch Set (PAT Rental) [Japanese Only]  

2.Medical Institution Support (Rehabilitation equipment)

We have decided to provide free rental of equipments and orthotics devices (Gait Solutions Design, Gait Innovation, and Trunk Solution) for damaged or lost rehabilitation equipment owned by medical institutions. Due to the limited number of items available, this is a small rental, but we hope that the clients will make use of this service.  Please look at the below page links to apply for our PAT rental services.


                          Gait Solution Design (PAT Rental) [Japanese Only]                                                    Gait Solution Design R1 (PAT Rental) [Japanese Only]    



                          Gate Innovation (PAT Rental) [Japanese Only]                                                              Trunk Solution® CORE (PAT Rental) [Japanese Only]  

3. Care Workers Support (Nursing care lift)

In order to reduce the burden on care workers, we are offering a free subscriber service for the MOLIFT, a lift for caregivers. We hope they will take advantage of this service, even though it is a small rental opportunity due to the limited number of units available.  Please look at the below page link to apply for our subscription service.


                                                                                                     Subscription in Pacific Molift (PAT rental) [Japanese Only]  

4. Support for the Customers

We will support our customers who support the local community in various ways.



5. Free Participation in Seminars held by Pacific Suppy

Participation in Pacific Supply's seminars held during the period covered by the program, will be provided free of charge. You can participate in our seminar by clicking the below image link. [Japanese Only] 



6. Donation to the Relief Fund

We will make a donation through the Pacific News Click for Donations to support those affected by the disaster. Click on the donation website direction [ Japanese Only ]


Donations will be made to the Japanese Red Cross Society's "2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake Disaster Relief Fund".