We are delighted to inform you all that we'll be exhibiting at the 30th Scientific Meeting of Japanese Academy of Prosthetists and Orthotists. This event will be held from July 13-14, 2024 at Saitama Hall, under the theme of "Exploration of the Business Areas".

Pacific Supply is working diligently in preparing for the memorable 30th conference with the concept of "Supporting Prosthetists and Orthotists" for the next 30 years. We are planning exhibitions, mini-workshops, and hands-on events from three different perspectives to support prosthetists' and Orthotistswork style, learning method, and way of making. We sincerely look forward to seeing you there. 

The information brochure can be downloaded from here! [Japanese Only]

List of Exhibitated Products

With the concept of "Supporting Prosthetists and Orthotists", we will propose products that can be useful for the fabrication of prosthetics and orthotics and rehabilitation in the future.

 "How to make" Ortop Central Series - Supporting business operations by proposing new prosthetic and orthotic manufacturing methods. 

Ortop Central KAFO

オルトップ セントラルファブリケーション事業 | 川村義肢株式会社

Based on the data you send us by Support Design Application, we will manufacture KAFO (Knee-Ankle-Foot orthosis) through our sophisticated production line at Kawamura Gishi and deliver it to you in approximately one week.

Ortop Central M.A.S.® digital

オルトップ セントラルファブリケーション事業 | 川村義肢株式会社

M.A.S. technology advocate Mr. Marlo Ortiz creates the model data from the measurement data sent via the dedicated app, Kawamura Gishi performs CAM cutting, plaster coating, and delivers a perfect positive model to the PO workshop.

"How to work" Ossur - Providing clinical support and reducing the burden on prosthetists by proposing sockets that can be fitted immediately.

Connect TF

Connect® TF Adjustable Socket for Low Active TF Amputees ...

An adjustable socket for low activity transfemoral amputees. The open socket mounting feature designed with an ON/OFF tension handle makes it easy for the user to put on and remove while seated. Height, angle and circumference can be adjusted. 

*This product will be available at the Manufacturers Workshop on Saturday, July 13th from 10:15.

Direct Socket

Direct Socket is a socket solution for transtibial amputees of all activity levels. With the use of the Direct Socket materials and tools, the fabrication process is standardized. The materials are provided in material kits where each kit provides all the consumables needed to fabricate one socket.

In addition, we have prepared newly approved products for the reimbursement price list in 2024.

 "How to Work" Medical Devices - Support for the Expansion of the Scope of Work of Prosthetists and Orthotists by Proposing New Rehabilitation~ 



This is a walking aid device worn on the lower limb to support knee movements. The sensors detect changes in the position and angle of the hip and knee joints. AI recognizes the user's movements and supports safe operation by selecting the appropriate assistance for the movement.

Gait Judge System G2

The Gait Solution series measures the plantar flexion braking force and joint angles that occur while the user walks with a special attachment attached to the double clenzak foot joint. This is a walking aid device worn on the lower limb to support knee movements. The sensors detects changes in the position and angle of the hip and knee joints. AI recognizes the user's movements and supports safe operation by selecting the appropriate assistance for the movement. 

Hands-on Programs and Production Demonstrations

This year, we will have an active space in our booth where you can experience try-on and adjustment. Please join us for hands-on experience and production demonstrations. There will be presentations also at the booth. No registration is required for attending! Please come directly to the booth! 

Ortop Central KAFO
You can try「Photo trace」app. for prop design.
Booth Presentation:July 13(Sat) 9:55-10:10/12:45-13:00, July 14(Sun)11:25-11:40

Ortop Central Business
We will explain about the entire Ortop Central Business.
Booth Presentation
July 13(Sat) 9:40-9:55/12:30-12:45, July 14(Sun)11:10-11:25

Ossur Connect TF
We will provide an adjustment experience for prosthetic leg models.
Adjustment Experience :July 13(Sat)12:00-12:15/14:00-14:15, July 14(Sun)10:20-10:35/13:30-13:45

Ossur Direct Socket
Fabrication demonstration will be held.
Booth Presentation:July 13(Sat)15:00-15:30

Ossur Pro-Flex Family (Foot)
We are ready for you to experience the function of the foot prosthesis..
Foot Experience Available at any time. Please feel free to contact us!

You can wear it and experience the AI assisted function.
Booth Presentation:July 13(Sat)11:40-11:55/16:20-16:35
Hands-on Experience Available at any time. Please feel free to contact us!

 Gait Judge System G2
You can actually wear the Gait Judge System G2 to measure and check its functions.
Try-on Experience :July 13(Sat)10:30-10:45/14:30-14:45/17:10-17:25, July 14(Sun)11:50-12:05

Sponsored Seminar "Towards Digital Transformation"

"Implementing Digital Transformation in the Ortop Central Fabrication Business"
  • Date and Time: Saturday, July 13, 2024, 3:20 p.m. - 4:50 p.m. (Presentations by 5 companies)
  • Presenter ①         Kawamura Gishi Co., Ltd. Takashi Hanaoka
  • Presenter ②        Kawamura Gishi Co., Ltd. Yuri Ubukata (CPO)

In the prosthetics and orthotics industry, the number of orthotic manufacturers is decreasing, and there is a need for stricter overtime work. On the other hand, medical needs have made it essential to shorten the delivery time of products. In order to meet the demand for shorter delivery times while improving the working environment and conformity quality, it is necessary to shift from the conventional hand-processed manufacturing process to the machining-based manufacturing process. In addition, in order to realize machining, it is essential to digitize production information. Our company uses machining and digitization technology to deliver orthoses with struts (referred to as KAFO) in about one week, which realizes early rehabilitation of lower limb paralysis due to cerebrovascular accidents. In this seminar, we will report on production technology and clinical examples of KAFO's initiatives.

Manufacturers' Workshop

"Immediately Fit Socket Technology - Connect TF"
  • Date and Time: Saturday, July 13, 2024, 10:40 a.m. - 11:25 a.m.
  • Presenter ①         Kawamura Gishi Co., Ltd. Yuri Ubukata (CPO)
  • Presenter ②        Kawamura Gishi Co., Ltd. Maya Okuno (CPO)

The Connect TF is an adjustable, off-the-shelf socket offered by Ossur for low activity transfemoral amputees. The socket height, circumference, and angle can be adjusted to suit the shape of the residual limb, and it can be attached immediately.  New amputees with abrupt changes in residual limb volume may require more time to evaluate prosthetic fit, but the adjustable Connect TF is effective for a smooth transition to prosthetic rehabilitation. In addition, applying their body weights on their residual limb from an early stage helps to improve amputation formation and load sensation. In this workshop, we will introduce the features of the product and examples of its use in clinical settings (advantages and problems, etc.), as well as demonstrate fitting and adjustment. We look forward to seeing you there.