Reported by- Ryuji Fujishima, AbleNet In Charge.

We are delighted to share that we've successfully held  the AbleNet Seminar 2024 on May 25 at the Pacific Supply head office. The seminar provided an overview of communication, how to operate AbleNet products, the expected profile of users (the target audience), and how to operate them for those who are new to special needs education or those who have not used assistive devices in a while or those who are considering using assistive devices. 

The participants were teachers and occupational therapists. Some of them actually use assistive devices in their work, while others do not.

Program Schedule

13:00~14:00 Introduction to Communication
14:00~15:00 Equipment Experience
15:00~15:15 Case Studies
Individual Consultation

Introduction to Communication (13:00 ~ 14:00)

VOCA* is a product that is simple to operate and easy to use, even for children. However, if you do not understand the purpose and scenario of use, and which product is best suited for the user, you may not be able to use it effectively. In the initial communication overview, we explained these points from various perspectives, using AbleNet products as examples.

 *VOCA = Voice Output Communication Aid. 


Equipment Experience (14:00 ~ 15:00)

We introduced AbleNet's VOCA, how to use it, and the features of the product while actually touching it. We were also able to hear information about the person in charge of the product not being able to use it well and share considerations in product selection.  In addition, we introduced how to connect and use an external switch for those who cannot press the product when it is placed down. 

We shared the idea that even those who have difficulty operating the switches on the product itself due to physical reasons can communicate with the product by setting the switches to match the movements that they are good at.

When using an external switch, the universal arm helps to fix the switch in a location that is easy to press and is very useful for those who operate the switch with limited movement. One participant said, "We don't have one at the workplace, but I want one." The universal arm is useful for fixing the VOCA and switching to the optimal position, but because the angle can be easily adjusted, it is also highly useful for finding the optimal position for the user.

We hope that the universal arm will be used not only for hand operation, but also as a means of finding a position that can be operated with the user's arms, knees, feet, head, or any other movement that the user is comfortable with.

The Blue 2 input assistive device, is more difficult to set up and operate than the VOCA, so we set a longer experience time. When we introduced the iPad's accessibility features, we received feedback such as, "I used to do it another way, but now I can do it with accessibility." 

The accessibility features allow you to adjust the operation method so that a wider range of people can use it but because there are so many settings that need to be set, we also received feedback such as, "If I understood how to use devices like the iPad, it would have been even easier to understand." 

Case Studies (15:00 ~ 15:15)

In the case studies, we introduced various ways to use VOCA based on video footage of users. In addition, based on the condition of the user, we also introduced what kind of VOCA and settings are best for the next challenge. We asked the participants about their current concerns, such as whether the settings for the person in charge are appropriate or not and what would be the best for the next challenge.

In order to find the best communication method for the person and to improve their communication skills, it is important to take a comprehensive approach using all means based on the AAC concept. We hope that the Ablenet products introduced this time will be of help as one of these various means. 

Concluding Remarks

There are several types of VOCAs in AbleNet, and it is important to select the most appropriate device for the user's condition. In addition, input assistive devices (Blue 2) are required to adjust the switch operation settings according to the user's needs.

In order to support communication for children with disabilities, it is necessary to consider not only AbleNet products but also various other methods and tools. We hope that this AbleNet seminar will help to expand these avenues even a little. 

For more details regarding AbleNet products, please visit our AbleNet Products Page  [Japanese Only]