This year, we will launch new products! We are pleased to announce that the much-talked product ●●●● has finally been commercialized and is ready to be delivered to you. We are also preparing other products that are not usually available for the visitors to see or touch.

Please visit our booth at the event. We look forward to seeing you there.

Exhibited Products

Hazumi Board

Last year, after listening to many of your opinions on the prototype, we finally made it into a commercial product, the Hazumi Board. Receiving your voice "It's so much fun" with the prototype, we are thrilled and grateful to be able to deliver this Hazumi Board to you.

Although Square was a bit late, you will be able to see the final specifications at the event. Please be sure to try the 'Hazumi Board.'

Lasal Flotation Cushion

The Lasal Flotation Cushion which was also exhibited last year, can be used for pool activities at daycare centers or for personal use at home while bathing and there are many other ways to use it. The shape and size of the cushion also affect how well the body floats.

Due to space limitations, we will be showing only selected products on the day of the exhibition. You will not be able to experience the feeling of floatation with its cushions in the water at the venue, but please touch and feel the actual products for yourself.

Lasal Dental Cushion
The Lasal Dental Cushion, a special cushion to use during dental practice, will be exhibited for the first time this year. When you think about dental treatment not only people with developmental disabilities but also people with other disabilities often feel nervous and anxious in that situations. This is a positioning cushion specially developed to help people relax on the examination table during dental treatment. At the recent "Annual Meeting of Japanese Society for Disability and Oral Health" many dentists and dental hygienists saw the cushion and it was well received by them. Among the presentations at the conference, there were many abstracts on how to deal with children and people with developmental disabilities.

Please take this opportunity to have a look at this Dental Cushion.

Heart Leaf Cushion

This is the familiar Heart Leaf Cushion. The seat is adjustable so that children who have difficulty with postural adjustment can maintain their posture spontaneously. This product has been a favorite of our customers for many years and we would appreciate hearing your feedback on how it feels and how easy it is to use.

Campaign for the Visitors

We will be running a campaign for those who come to the exhibition and stop by our booth. If you apply for this campaign by filling out the application form provided at the event, you will receive [Free Demo Unit Rental Campaign]. 

Normally, when you use a demo unit, you will be asked to pay for the return shipping costs (round-trip shipping costs for some products). In this campaign, we will bear the round-trip shipping cost for a demo unit rental (specified products only). We have heard from some customers that they usually find it difficult to try out the product because of the shipping costs.

Please take advantage of this opportunity and visit our booth. We look forward to seeing you at the event.